What ON Earth Am I Here For?
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a little more about the book.
In this book, Rick Warren reminds us why we are on Earth, and uses a Biblical perspective to help us better understand how Jesus walked and lived on this earth, and how we can strive to be more like Jesus Christ. Being like Christ is the eventual destination of every believer in a lifelong journey; it is our purpose! The author, Rick Warren, reminds us that the journey to Christlikeness is one of a lifetime and involves believing, knowing and loving God through worship, belonging to a family of other believers and learning to love each other through fellowship, becoming an emissary of Christ through discipleship, going out to reach, teach and serve others, whether they be believers or non-believers through ministry and missions. Furthermore, to discover our purpose, we must acknowledge that we are unique and that we were designed with some abilities that need to be unveiled to fully live our purpose.
From this book, we learn that from a hollistic worldview/perspective, the best way to live a fulfilling life is by living a life driven by the 5 purposes described above, namely worship, discipleship, fellowship ministry and mission, requires that we first surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. Surrendering itself is a concept that is deeply entrenched in the human spirit, as we all eventually must surrender to something or someone. If we don’t surrender to God, we surrender to many other things such as expectations of others, pride, lust and many more. Although we are free to choose what and who we surrender to, we are not free from the consequences of the choice we make.
To get to where we become like Christ, the author reminds us that we must mature, and accept that maturing and growth are gradual processes that require time! We are also reminded that maturity is learning to live with the tension, knowing that you are content with the real, and striving for the ideal at the same time. It is also as important to know that at the same time, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is a sign of complacency. To mature requires maintaining a healthy balance of both appreciation and will to move up, and that one understands that they truly need to grow, want to grow, decide to grow and make an effort to grow. The first step required in this kind of growth is to respond to Jesus’s invitation as the disciples did, and decide to become a disciple, although the road might still look foggy. It is true that there is nothing that shapes one’s life more than the commitments that they choose to make and keep, and through committing to grow to be like Christ a lot of our character is forged, and our strengths revealed. This is where growth starts: making a commitment. We are reminded that we shouldn’t seek single experiences that will make us more mature in an instant, that instead we should seek real Maturity, which takes time and effort.
We are reminded that God uses people and circumstances in our lives to provide us with opportunities to grow spiritually. However, not all these produce what God intends automatically. For instance, many people become bitter when they face problems rather than becoming better, and fail to grow spiritually. With that being known, we are encouraged to respond the way Jesus Christ himself would respond or the way he responded multiple times as recorded in the Gospel. When facing trouble, we are reminded to not ask God why us, but instead, ask him: what does he want us to learn from it? Instead of giving up, we should choose to grow up!
In closing, Rick Warren makes one very important conclusion: “Living on purpose is the only way to really live. Everything else is just existing.” This statement sums up the whole book, and reminds us to seek and find our purpose in order to make the rest of our lives the best it can be starting from this exact moment.